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Monday, 18 November 2013

ME 2034/ME 708/ME 1004 - Nuclear Engineering May/June 2013 Question Paper

Anna University , Chennai

B.E./B.Tech Degree Examination , May/June 2013

Seventh Semester

Mechanical Engineering

ME 2034/ME 708/ME 1004 - Nuclear Engineering

(Regulation 2008)

Semester : 07

Year : IV

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Subject Code :  ME 2034

Subject Name : Nuclear Engineering

Type : May 2013 Question Paper

Download : Click Here

ME 2401/ME 71/ME 1402 - Mechatronics May/June 2013 Question Paper in pdf

Anna University , Chennai

B.E./B.Tech Degree Examination , May/June 2013

Seventh Semester 

Mechanical Engineering

ME 2401/ME 71/ME 1402 - Mechatronics

(Regulation 2008)

Click the Below Link to Download Mechatronics - May/June 2013 Question Paper in PDF: 

Anna University , Chennai

B.E./B.Tech Degree Examination , May/June 2013 

Seventh Semester

Mechanical Engineering

ME 2402/ME 72 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing

(Regulation 2008)
Semester : 07
Year : IV
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Code :  ME 2402/ME 72

Subject Name : Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Exam Year : May-2013

Download Link :
- See more at: http://annauniversityexams.blogspot.in/#sthash.nZzga24G.dpuf

B.E./B.Tech Degree Examination , May/June 2013 

Seventh Semester

Mechanical Engineering

ME 2402/ME 72 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing

(Regulation 2008)
Semester : 07
Year : IV
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Code :  ME 2402/ME 72

Subject Name : Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Exam Year : May-2013

Download Link :
- See more at: http://annauniversityexams.blogspot.in/#sthash.nZzga24G.dpuf

ME 2402/ME 72 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing May/June 2013 Question Paper

Anna University , Chennai

B.E./B.Tech Degree Examination , May/June 2013 

Seventh Semester

Mechanical Engineering

ME 2402/ME 72 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing

(Regulation 2008)

Semester : 07

Year : IV

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Subject Code :  ME 2402/ME 72

Subject Name : Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Exam Year : May-2013

Download Link : Click Here

CS 2301 – Software Engineering Nov/Dec 2013 Important Questions (Exam on 19th november)

Anna University , Chennai
B.E./B.Tech Degree Examination , Nov/Dec 2013
   Fifth Semester
  Computer Science and Engineering - Important Questions

Subject Name : CS 2301 – Software Engineering

Important 16 mark Questions for Unit I-V

1.      Explain the following (1) Waterfall model (2) RAD model (3) Prototype model (4) Spiral model.
2.      Draw the system engineering hierarchy diagram and explain in detail.
3.      Explain the Business process engineering and product engineering.
4.      Explain in detail the software process models (a) Incremental process model. (b) Evolutionary process model.
5.      Explain the requirement engineering process in detail.
6.      With an example explain in detail about DFD.
7.      Explain data modelling? Draw entity relationship diagram for library management system.
Student management system. (or) Hospital management system.
8.      What are prototyping techniques? How are prototype model prepared for a software process.
9.      Write short notes on (a) Architecture design.  (b) Data acquisition system.
10.  Explain various modularity and control system commonly used in any organizational model.
11.  Explain the fundamental software design concepts in detail.
12.  What is transform mapping? Explain the process in detail.
13.  Explain system testing and boundary value analysis testing in detail?
14.  Explain the categories of debugging approaches.
15.  Explain in detail about SCM.
16.  Explain in detail the COCOMO model.
17.  Explain in detail about taxonomy of case tools.
18.  Elaborate the method of decomposition of  software cost estimation.

"All the Best"

Friday, 15 November 2013

MG 2452 – Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting November/December 2013 Important Questions

Anna University , Chennai
Seventh Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Common to VII-Sem IT)
MG 2452 - Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting
(Regulation 2008)

Download :

COE Portal Opened for First Year Students

Anna University,Chennai
Regulation 2013

Hello First Year Students,
       All the Student profiles for the academic year 2013-2014 has been created and You can see your Internal Marks, Exam Results and Exam Time tables in your Individual profile at coe1.annauniv.edu just by 
Entering your Registration number,Date of Birth and Verification code as shown
"All the best"

Friday, 8 November 2013

EC 2401 - Wireless Communication Nov/Dec 2013 Important Questions

Anna University , Chennai


Seventh Semester

Electronics and Communication Engineering

EC 2401 - Wireless Communication

(Regulation 2008)
Part - B : Important Questions For Nov/Dec 2013 Exam

1. Explain the principles of cellular Network in detail and explain
the method of increasing the wireless capacity of cellular networks.

2. Explain constructive and destructive interference in detail.

3. Explain the effect of multipath propagation in wireless

4. Define Multiple Access and Explain Different Types of MA
techniques used in Wireless Communication.

5. With neat diagrams explain the Free Space Propagation

6. Derive the equation of the Path loss using Two-Ray Model
with neat diagrams.

8. Explain various propagation mechanism adopted in wireless
communication channels.

9. What is small scale fading? What are the factors influencing
small scale fading?

10. Explain narrow band modelling method for short scale fading
and long scale fading.

11. Explain probability of error in flat fading channels and
frequency fading channels.

12. Explain With neat diagram explain p/4-QPSK

13. With neat diagram explain MSK and derive expression for
power spectral density.

14. Explain adaptive equalization algorithm.

15. Explain all the diversity techniques and its principles .

16. With neat diagram explain Linear Predictive Vocoder and
explain the structure of Decision Feedback equalizer with diagram.

17. With neat diagram explain the operations of GSM Speech

18. Discuss the features and services of GSM and also Explain
the GSM system architecture with neat sketch.

19. Explain the forward and reverse channel parameters of IS-95

20. Explain OFDM and implementation of transceivers in OFDM

21. Breifly explain the 2G and 3G wireless networks and
standards available.

Exam Date : 13 - 11 - 2013

Exam Day : Wednesday

Time : 10 AM to 1 PM

"All The Best Guys"

Thursday, 7 November 2013

EC2301 Digital Communication Part-B Important Questions For Nov/Dec 2013 Exam

Anna University , chennai

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Fifth Semester

EC2301 Digital Communication

Important Questions For Nov/Dec 2013 Exam

(Regulation 2008)

Semester : 5
Department : ECE
Subject Code : EC2301
Subject Name : Digital Communication
Type : Important Questions
Syllabus Regulation : 2008
Details : EC2301 Digital Communication Part-B Important Questions For Nov/Dec 2013 Exam

Download Link :
Digital Communication Imp Questions 

EC 2401 - Wireless Communication May/June 2013 Question Paper

Anna University , Chennai


Seventh Semester

Electronics and Communication Engineering

 EC 2401 - Wireless Communication 

(Regulation 2008)

Details :

Semester : 07

Dep: ECE

Subject Code : EC 2401

Subject Name : Wireless Communication

Exam Year : May/June 2013 Question Paper

Download Link:

EC 2401 Wireless Communication Two Marks With Answer - For Nov/Dec 2013 Exam

Anna University , Chennai

Seventh Semester

Electronics and Communication Engineering

EC 2401 - Wireless Communications 2marks With Answer

(Regulation 2008)

Download Link:

Click Here to download a copy of Wireless Communication May/June 2013 Question Paper

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Anna University Nov/Dec 2013 Exam Hall Ticket Issue Date

Anna University , Chennai
(Hall Ticket Issue date for nov/dec 2013 exam )

All Engineering Students from Various Affiliated Colleges are going to face the Nov/Dec 2013 Exams that is going to start by 13-Nov 2013. Anna University Will be going to issue the Hall ticket to the students who are going to face the examinations..

Students will be allowed to write exams only if they have the hall tickets so students keep their hall ticket safe untill their last exams..

hall Ticket for the exam will be issued only by the afffiliated colleges by the management/department. so anna univ theory exam is going to start on 13th nov therefore anna university will provide the hall ticket as soon as possible.....

Sample Hall Ticket for your preference:  

"All The Best Guys"

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Anna University Internal Assesment Marks and Attendence report for final Report Period Announced

Anna University  ,  Chennai
Internal Assessment Mark 
Report Period IV

Students are requested to see their Internal Assessment Mark as well as their attendance report for the report period IV which has been announced in Controller of Examination Website.(NOTE THAT YOUR COLLEGE SHOULD HAVE UPLOADED IT IN COE WEBSITE)

The University Practical Marks are also entered in the Report Period IV only.So if your practicals are over, then your practical examination marks are also available in the practical Subjects...

"All the best"